
Fertilisation and plant protection for professional growers!

Discover the future of agriculture with our innovative solutions for fertilisation and plant protection! Our technologies, such as WindControl and AmaSelect, offer precise and efficient applications that maximise your yields and conserve resources. With digital tools like AmaTron Share and AmaTron Twin, data management is a breeze.

New arable farming concepts

Applying seed and fertiliser with multi-chamber seed drills - New challenges pose problems for agriculture.

„Crop protection technology that suits me!"

„Crop protection technology that suits me!" - My soil, my crops and my farm are as individual as a fingerprint. The difference lies in the field size and in the machinery and inputs used. As a farmer, I know exactly my circumstances, requirements and goals. My plant protection needs are met by technical solutions that are precisely tailored to my needs. The precise interaction of boom guidance, application technology and nozzles as well as convenient and simple operation...

Multiteam with Precea and AmaTron 4

Precea - the all-rounder in precision seeding: Precision agriculture is an important topic for the future: The individual plant is increasingly taking centre stage.


Cobra Multi-Tool - The true all-rounder in the field

The complete all-rounder in the field: the high-output, all-purpose Cobra multi-functional shallow cultivator copes with a wide range of applications. From catch crop destruction and shallow stubble cultivation to seedbed preparation, the Cobra is the right machine for shallow and medium-deep soil tillage.


UF precision package

Robust, precise, user-friendly, ground-breaking, innovative!

New ploughs - 100 % AMAZONE technology

The new Teres and Tyrok ploughs with 100 % AMAZONE DNA
Maximum robustness and outstanding quality of work!

Soil tillage for the future

The future of arable farming starts now!

Find the right soil tillage system for your farm

A UF can’t be beaten...

...except by a self-propelled sprayer with a FRONT TANK!
The practical solution for tank capacities of up to 3,500 l

STILLNESS at the touch of a button

Wherever you are in the world, the wind is always blowing. According to Prof. Dr. Karl Wild, of HTW Dresden, the influence of wind on the spread pattern can be continuously monitored and automatically compensated for by a wind sensor. This enables an optimum spread pattern to be generated, even in difficult windy conditions.

Catros 03 - the precision tool

The Catros compact disc harrow is perfect for shallow and intensive stubble cultivation.

PRECISION is in the air

World champions in combinations: AMAZONE offers the perfect seed drill combination for any farm "from a single source". Find out more here ...

PRECISION in a lightweight design - the UF 01 mounted sprayer

The UF 01 - Both super-light and super-stable
The compact UF 01 mounted sprayer is characterised by its light and stable construction and lightweight design.

The Precision Team

Our goal is to keep your crops healthy in a cost-effective and efficient manner so that you can optimise your yields.

Higher yield security with the correct sowing strategy

The GreenDrill universal catch crop seeder box from AMAZONE offers farmers a powerful tool for overcoming the current challenges in crop production.

Perfection for precision fertilisation: TS spreading system

Our aim is to distribute fertiliser even more precisely and tailor it to the needs of the plant. Find out more ...

Perfection for precision plant protection: AmaSelect

Our aim is to continuously advance crop protection technology through innovation. The use of high-precision technology plays a key role in your success.

Perfect sowing is the basis for maximum yields

Professional crop production is faced with ever greater challenges: The new Fertiliser Directive and the withdrawal of individual plant protection agents on the one hand combined with increasing resistance on the other. But the increasing number of extreme climatic events with persistent drought or increasingly frequent torrential rainfall also have a major impact on crop production.

Cirrus - triple shoot

Seed and fertiliser combined in a new way - Conserving water with Minimum TillDisc - Simple use of application maps. Find out more ...

CatrosXL, straw harrow, knife roller, GreenDrill 501

Find out more about the new CatrosXL compact disc harrows, the new straw harrow and knife roller pre-working tools and the GreenDrill 501 catch crop seeder box here.

Trends in crop protection technology for potato cultivation

Compared to cereal farming, plant protection in potato cultivation often places significantly higher demands on application, handling and cleaning.

Trends in crop protection technology for potato cultivation

Compared to cereal farming, plant protection in potato cultivation often places significantly higher demands on application, handling and cleaning.

The plant protection sector will have to change in the future.

Plant protection is an important part of agriculture for securing high yields and optimum quality. Due to the increasing world population, both factors play an enormous role in securing food supply. However, the chemical plant protection sector is also facing a big challenge in future. On the one hand there is the problem of resistance and on the other side there is an increasing amount of legal regulation.

The plant protection sector will have to change in the future

The plant protection sector will have to change in the future. Plant protection is an important part of agriculture in securing high yields and optimum quality. Due to the increasing world population, both factors play an enormous role in securing food supply.

Precision in mineral fertiliser application

Amazone offers ever more efficient and precise machines and processes, so that the agricultural sector can retain its competitiveness and future viability and operate more sustainably at the same time.

Precision in mineral fertiliser application

Amazone offers ever more efficient and precise machines and processes, so that the agricultural sector can retain its competitiveness and future viability and operate more sustainably at the same time.

Schalen aufstellen und Geld verdienen

Wer Mineraldünger ausbringt, jagt tausende Euros durch den Streuer. Umso wichtiger ist die richtige Einstellung. Die finden Sie optimal mit EasyCheck von AMAZONE heraus. Erfahren Sie mehr ...