Plant protection


UF precision package

Robust, precise, user-friendly, ground-breaking, innovative!

A UF can’t be beaten...

...except by a self-propelled sprayer with a FRONT TANK!
The practical solution for tank capacities of up to 3,500 l

Perfection for precision plant protection: AmaSelect

Our aim is to continuously advance crop protection technology through innovation. The use of high-precision technology plays a key role in your success.

Trends in crop protection technology for potato cultivation

Compared to cereal farming, plant protection in potato cultivation often places significantly higher demands on application, handling and cleaning.

Trends in crop protection technology for potato cultivation

Compared to cereal farming, plant protection in potato cultivation often places significantly higher demands on application, handling and cleaning.

The plant protection sector will have to change in the future.

Plant protection is an important part of agriculture for securing high yields and optimum quality. Due to the increasing world population, both factors play an enormous role in securing food supply. However, the chemical plant protection sector is also facing a big challenge in future. On the one hand there is the problem of resistance and on the other side there is an increasing amount of legal regulation.

The plant protection sector will have to change in the future

The plant protection sector will have to change in the future. Plant protection is an important part of agriculture in securing high yields and optimum quality. Due to the increasing world population, both factors play an enormous role in securing food supply.