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Ideas for future | 140 YEARS AMAZONE - 140 YEARS INNOVATIONS

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AMAZONE 4.0: Meeting agricultural challenges with intelligent solutions!

AMAZONE 4.0 is the keyword for customer-oriented, digital solutions which enable intelligent crop production. Clever AMAZONE technology optimises operational systems, ensuring a high level of operational Precision Reliable electronics for automation comfort and helps farmers work more efficiently, conserve resources and, above all, work much more precisely.

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AMAZONE plough production is located in Hungary

The plough is the symbol of farming. In addition to crop establishment, fertilisation and plant protection, tillage is a crucial part of success in arable farming. AMAZONE ploughs are built at the plant in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary, which was formerly owned by the company, Vogel & Noot.

Quality made by AMAZONE

At Amazone, product and production competence are closely linked. Laser cutting, drilling, turning, milling, folding, welding, painting, gearbox construction, hydraulic production, plastics production and final assembly - we ensure top quality at every step of the process.

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AMAZONE production sites

The world of AMAZONE: since those humble beginnings in 1883, AMAZONE now produce agricultural and Groundcare equipment worldwide from 8 locations and with 2,500 employees. As an active global provider of systems, nowadays around 80% of the production in distributed across 70 countries.

Image film

During the AMAZONE 125 year anniversary a film has been produced which shows the course of the company's history.
With a click on the opposite picture or the headline the film is available to you in German and English.