New arable farming concepts - Applying seed and fertiliser with multi-chamber seed drills
New arable farming concepts that help meet current agricultural challenges
New challenges pose problems for agriculture: Climate change with extreme weather conditions, restrictions on plant protection application, and demands for a reduction in mineral fertiliser use along with the need for more biodiversity. Conventional methods are increasingly reaching their limits. That's why AMAZONE is developing new concepts that can provide effective answers.
Application of different products with MultiShoot and multi-chamber seed drills from AMAZONE
MultiShoot - the simultaneous application of more than one seed type or fertiliser at either the same entry point or different entry points in the soil – can be a powerful tool for yield-guaranteeing, future-oriented arable farming.
The benefits
- Simultaneous sowing of different seed types for higher biodiversity possible.
- Simultaneous application of fertiliser during sowing under, in or on the seed furrow possible.
- Establishment of various catch crops with maximum precision in just one pass.
Maintenance of good yields, an improvement in the resistance of crops to stress and an increase in soil fertility. This is the future of agriculture.
And with AMAZONE it can be achieved.
Trials centre in Wambergen
The new, innovative systems and agricultural machinery developed by AMAZONE for our customers is based on a number of things, including the latest findings in arable farming and plant production.
We gain this knowledge under real conditions by running national and international arable farming trials, such as at our trials centre in Wambergen in Hasbergen-Gaste.
Various crops such as rape, barley, maize, wheat and legumes are grown here in demonstration field trials on 32 hectares of arable land.
Application of different materials - micro granules and under-root fertilisation, precisely applied
Micro-granules – a little goes a long way
In addition to nitrogen, phosphate or potassium, vigorous crops also need micro-nutrients such as zinc, manganese or boron for good growth. These can be applied as a micro-granule. Insecticides, such as slug pellets, can also protect yields. With MultiShoot, the agents reach the seed directly – either below, in or above the seed furrow, with precise application even at extremely small rates!
Advantages of MultiShoot for applying micro-granules
- Increased availability and efficacy of the agents due to the micro-granules being placed in the immediate vicinity of the seed, especially in dry conditions.
- Needs-based fertilisation with micro-nutrients for higher stress tolerance,
better yields and higher utilisation.
Under-root fertilisation – a new level of precision
MultiShoot taken a step further: the new FertiSpot system for the Precea precision air seeder enables under-root fertilisation to be applied in individual, concentrated deposits under or between the respective seeds in the subsequent root zone of the individual plant instead of in bands. This increases fertiliser efficiency because no fertiliser is applied outside the root zone and goes to waste. The higher efficiency means that
the amount of fertiliser can be reduced by up to 25 % while yields remain the same.
Advantages of MultiShoot for under-root fertilisation with FertiSpot
- Application of fertiliser and seed in one pass with maximum precision in relation to one another.
- Optimum nutrient uptake of the under-root fertilisation as a fertiliser deposit applied with the FertiSpot system allows an application rate reduction of 25 % with the same yield.
Application of different application materials - Different seeds, precisely applied
Biodiversity for both better plant growth and soil structure
Biodiversity is an important factor for future-orientated arable farming. The use of undersown crops, companion plants or catch crops alongside the main cash crop can lead to savings in fertilisers or pesticides. Longer and denser vegetation can also increase the overall photosynthetic performance of the field over the course of the year – more sugars, more biomass, more nutrients, more humus.
Faster soil coverage reduces water loss and erosion, while the savings on fertiliser through the biological nitrogen fixation of legumes increases the economic efficiency. Weeds and pests can also be suppressed by adapted plants and beneficial insects.
Advantages of MultiShoot for applying different seeds
- Perfect placement of different seeds at the optimum sowing depth.
- No de-mixing for ideal plant distribution of the various crops in just one pass.
These illustrations are valid for a combination of different seeds and seeds with fertiliser/micro-granules
Mounted multi-chamber seed drills with MultiShoot
All the systems at a glance
D9 Super with C-Drill for conventional and mulch sowing
- 2 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 2-1*
Cataya Super with GreenDrill for conventional and mulch sowing
- 2 hoppers
- with 2 delivery points
- for Double-Shoot 2-2*
Centaya-C Special with micro-granular applicator for conventional and mulch sowing
- Up to 3 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 3-1*
Avant with split FTender for conventional and mulch sowing
- 2 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 2-1*
Centaya-C Super with split FTender and GreenDrill or micro-granular applicator for conventional and mulch sowing
- Up to 5 hoppers
- with up to 3 delivery points
- for Triple-Shoot 5-3*
* and other systems
Trailed multi-chamber seed drills with MultiShoot
All the systems at a glance
Cirrus 04-C for conventional and mulch sowing
- Up to 3 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 3-1*
Condor for conventional sowing and direct seeding
- 3 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 3-1*
Primera DMC with GreenDrill and micro-granular applicator for conventional, mulch and direct sowing
- Up to 4 hoppers
- with 2 delivery points
- for Double-Shoot 4-2*
Cayena-C for conventional, mulch and direct sowing
- 2 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 2-1*
Citan for conventional and mulch sowing
- 3 hoppers
- with 1 delivery point
- for Single-Shoot 3-1*
Cirrus 03-CC with GreenDrill for conventional, mulch and direct sowing
- Up to 3 hoppers
- with up to 3 delivery points
- for Triple-Shoot 3-3*
* and other systems
Multi-chamber seed drills for precision seeding with MultiShoot
All the systems at a glance
Precea, optionally with micro-granular applicator for conventional and mulch sowing
- Up to 3 hoppers
- with up to 3 delivery points
- for Triple-Shoot 3-3*
Precea-TCC, optionally with micro-granular applicator for conventional sowing and direct seeding
- Up to 3 hoppers
- with up to 3 delivery points
- for Triple-Shoot 3-3*
* and other systems
What really matters ...
"Multi-chamber systems with several delivery points enable the sowing of different seeds at their respective optimum sowing depth. In our trial, we were therefore able to sow peas at a depth of 5 cm, scatter a fine-seeded legume on top and place shallow germinators such as Niger seed at a depth of 2 to 3 cm, so that no compromise had to be made in the placement depth of the various catch crop components.
All in all, MultiShoot and multi-chamber seed drills from AMAZONE result in a high efficacy of the catch crops, because no seed is wasted, the crops are evenly distributed in their row and the plants can develop optimally. This allows the catch crops to develop their full effect for the crop and the soil."
Maximilian Wilp, head of the trials centre in Wambergen
"Diverse nutrition of soil biology is a key pillar for resilient establishment systems and stable yields. Catch crop mixtures and extending crop rotations are well-known measures for feeding soil life in a variety of ways and keeping nutrients active in the system. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to extend the crop rotation or to choose the right sowing window for the catch crops in day-to-day practice. Sometimes the growing season between two main crops is too short for successful catch crop cultivation.
Undersown and additionally sown crops can provide a remedy here. Advantages: diverse nutrition for soil biology, increased infiltration of water during heavy rainfall events, improved nutrient efficiency through improved gas exchange."
Jan Hendrik Schulz, Deutsche Saatgutveredelung AG