Ihr Ansprechpartner: Maik Winter
The age and the number of working hours by themselves say little about the condition of a pre-used  machine. However, operating conditions as well as  its care and maintenance play an important role.  With this in mind, AMAZONE carries out an intensive  examination of any machine offered for sale prior its  release. This examination is carried out based on a  defined check list. This enables experienced service  technicians to make sure that it has been checked  against a uniform standard and its condition is   documented.

Only AMAZONE itself, its subsidiaries or businesses  belonging to AMAZONE can assign the AmaStar  Gold / Silver / Bronze status to a machine; this   uniform test standard ensures their functionality on  an international basis.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Maik Winter
E-Mail: [email protected]

AmaStar Gold

As safe as purchasing a new machine!

AmaStar Gold
Machines with this AMAZONE classification are in  an as-new condition and are completely ready for  work. All necessary maintenance, repair work and  adjustments have been carried out and thus all Gold  machines are ready for immediate use.

  • AMAZONE shop-soiled machinery which are  unused in the field  
  • Maximum of 2 years old  
  • All maintenance, repair work and adjustments  have been carried out by AMAZONE  
  • 1 year guarantee

AmaStar Silver

Field-tested reliability!

AmaStar Silver
Machines of this classification are exclusively just  recent AMAZONE machines on which any necessary  maintenance, repair work or adjustments have been  carried out and thus Silver machines are ready for  immediate use.

  • AMAZONE pre-used machines with  little field operation  
  • 3 years old at the most  
  • All maintenance, repair work or adjustments  have been carried out by AMAZONE  
  • 6 months guarantee

AmaStar Bronze

The cost-effective alternative!

AmaStar Bronze
Machines of this classification offer the possibility  to save on the cost of any unnecessary repair work  and are provided with a check list outlining any  maintenance, repair work or adjustments deemed  necessary. The machines are basically cleaned and  have been run up.

  • Intensively-used, second-hand AMAZONE  machines  
  • Older than 3 years  
  • A list of all necessary maintenance work is available  
  • The machine has had a basic clean and  has been run up  
  • Without guarantee