

... implemented in a practical and resource-saving way.


Professional farming and thus agricultural machinery are faced with major challenges today. On the one hand, agriculture needs to produce high-quality food to feed the growing world population. On the other hand, the amount of arable land on which food can be produced is being reduced. This is exacerbated by climate change with extreme weather conditions.

Conservation of valuable resources and a sustainable reduction in the amount of inputs

Cirrus 6003-2CC with Minimum TillDiscs – minimal, water-conserving soil tillage
In addition to saving resources, it goes without saying that the optimum use of inputs is of enormous importance. At the same time, increasing biodiversity must be an important goal, in order to offer good, long-term prospects for the generations to come.

Greater precision for higher yields, better sustainability and improved cost efficiency

The core objective, for agriculture and for AMAZONE, is to create a high level of yield per hectare of land using sustainable methods. It is therefore important to improve the efficiency of the production processes, especially by means of digitalisation and automation, and to treat each plant as precisely as possible. In this respect, the precision of sowing, fertilising and crop protection equipment must continue to increase, so that applications are increasingly carried out on a part-area basis and the emphasis being placed more and more on the individual plant in future.

AMAZONE wishes to make a decisive contribution to global food security and provide our farmers and contractors with innovative ideas which help them to secure their future on a sustainable basis.

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Innovative examples from practice - #ideasforfuture

Fertilisation – ZA-TS mounted spreader

WindControl and ArgusTwin spread fan monitoring system & AutoTS border spreading system and HeadlandControl headland management

Plant protection – UX Super trailed sprayer

DirectInject direct feed system and AmaSelect individual nozzle control

Sowing – Cirrus trailed cultivator drill

Sowing without limits – MultiBin and MultiMap

Sowing – Precea precision air seeder

Precise switch on and off points for seed and MultiSwitch and MultiBoom

Soil tillage – Cobra trailed shallow cultivator

Shallow soil disturbance – Intensive mixing

Soil tillage – Teres mounted reversible plough

The plough as the initial plant protection measure

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Designing sustainably, acting responsibly

Sustainability is a much-used term today. At AMAZONE, we understand sustainability as "active responsibility for the future". This way of thinking determines our long-term actions. It is our aim to operate efficiently, precisely and in an environmentally...


Solar power systems

Our solar power systems enable us to use large roof areas to generate electricity for our own consumption.