Your benefits at a glance

  • High ground clearance, with rounded frame
  • Robust construction but lightweight design
  • Lightweight spray liquid tank with favourable centre of gravity made from glass fibre reinforced plastic
  • Sprayer boom in superbly light, superbly strong and superbly compact profile construction
  • Outstanding boom suspension for a smooth boom ride
  • Efficient, maintenance-friendly, run-dry safe and self-priming piston diaphragm pump
  • Induction bowl with Power Injector, for quick, safe and accurate operation
  • Modern and operator-friendly valves

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UG trailed sprayers

Output calculator

The Amazone Output Calculator produces a farm-related, economic calculation of a machine’s potential output prior to making an investment decision.

International sales network

If you are located outside Germany and Austria, you can obtain AMAZONE agricultural and groundcare machinery and technical support from specialised importers.

Related links

Here you will find further information on crop protection

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