ArgusTwin improves the lateral distribution by 5.1 %.
This means an additional yield of 22 €/ha.*
* Results based on long-term trials
Spread pattern simulation - ArgusTwin
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ArgusTwin spread fan monitoring system
ArgusTwin ensures an optimum lateral fertiliser distribution via the constant on-line monitoring and readjustment of the delivery system. This leads to a more effective fertiliser use and forms the basis for optimum
crop management.
14 radar sensors above the left and right spreading disc monitor the spread fan and optimise the lateral distribution when using fertilisers with variable spreading qualities, on slopes and in the event of external environmental influences.

WindControl improves the lateral distribution by 5.6 %. This means an additional yield of 24 €/ha.*
* Results based on long-term trials
Video of the AMAZONE ZA-TS mounted spreader with WindControl
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Spread fan optimisation with WindControl
According to Prof. Dr. Karl Wild of the University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, the influence of wind on the spread pattern is constantly monitored and automatically compensated for by WindControl, even under difficult wind conditions. A high-frequency wind sensor mounted on the machine records both the wind speed and the wind direction and transmits this information to the job computer. The delivery system and the spreading disc speed are then automatically adjusted. In this way, WindControl also increases the available windows for fertiliser spreading.
ProfisPro weighing system with torque monitoring
ProfisPro weighing system with FlowControl combines all the advantages of the 200 Hz online weighing system with torque monitoring of the spreading discs. For a precise application rate from the first second!
Apply now for a 7-year manufacturer guarantee against perforation corrosion for ZA-V, ZA-TS and ZG-TS fertiliser spreaders via myAMAZONE!
from model year 2022.