The plough as the initial plant protection measure

The new Teres plough enables AMAZONE to offer unique advantages for your farm. Maximum speed with minimum wear is possible thanks to the new SpeedBlade plough bodies. At the same time, the automatic front furrow adjustment provides perfect work results. AMAZONE always offers the right solution for any farm with the Teres, even those with the most diverse of requirements.

Bearing-mounted lower link shaft – ProtectShaft for less wear

It is not the philosophy but the right choice of soil tillage method that is critical to success. On many farms, both conventional sowing methods and mulch sowing methods are practised in combination, depending on the weather. The yield-guaranteeing function of the plough is the decisive factor here.

The following practical advantages are provided:

  • Effective weed control via mechanical means by light deprivation and reliable control around field borders
    Hollow turnover shaft on the Teres for increased durability
  • Quicker soil warming and better soil aeration for increased yields in crops demanding higher soil temperatures
  • The only soil tillage option in constantly wet conditions
  • Reduced risk of disease carryover to the following crop
  • Accelerates the microbial activity in the soil by oxygen enrichment
  • Mechanical control of slugs, mice and UV-light sensitive soil pests

SpeedBlade – the new innovative plough bodies

The new SpeedBlade plough bodies, with their patented extra-large front shin on the mouldboard and the ©plus hardening process, ensure significantly less wear at high forward speeds. Only the front shin of the mouldboard has to be replaced thanks to this patented enlarged front shin. This avoids the troublesome and expensive replacement of the entire mouldboard.


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Fertilisation – ZA-TS mounted spreader

WindControl and ArgusTwin spread fan monitoring system & AutoTS border spreading system and HeadlandControl headland management

Plant protection – UX Super trailed sprayer

DirectInject direct feed system and AmaSelect individual nozzle control

Sowing – Cirrus trailed cultivator drill

Sowing without limits – MultiBin and MultiMap

Sowing – Precea precision air seeder

Precise switch on and off points for seed and MultiSwitch and MultiBoom

Soil tillage – Cobra trailed shallow cultivator

Shallow soil disturbance – Intensive mixing

Soil tillage – Teres mounted reversible plough

The plough as the initial plant protection measure

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