Why not handle a terminal as intuitively as a tablet or a smartphone? With this in mind, AMAZONE developed the operator-friendly AmaTron 4 software, thereby providing an appreciably smoother workflow, not only on account of the rational machine operation but also for job management.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Intuitive and operator-friendly tablet-style actuation
  • Practice oriented and intelligent menu navigation
  • High-quality aluminium housing
  • Actuation via touch screen or soft keys
  • Field-related documentation
  • Automatic fade-out and fade-in of the buttons via a proximity sensor
  • Bright 8" multi-touch colour display
  • Ergonomic and practical design

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AMATRON 4 ISOBUS terminal - operation made easy

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AMAZONE Precision TODAY: AmaTron 4 ISOBUS terminal