Coulters | Harrows

RoTeC pro coulter – The universal single disc coulter

Goes right up to the limit of practical operation and placement: With the RoTeC pro single disc coulter, the Cirrus shows its strength especially on sticky soils, no matter whether early or late in the year. Thanks to the depth guidance directly on the sowing disc, the coulter depth guidance and the reconsolidation via the harrow are completely decoupled from each other. The depth guidance disc and the depth guidance roller help achieve, in addition, an excellent self-cleaning of the coulter. Thanks to these two benefits, a very flexible and precise operation in virtually all weather conditions is possible. Row spacings of 12.5 and 16.6 cm can be chosen.

Quality and reliability throughout:

  • coulter discs made from high grade Boron steel for an even extended service life
  • Wear-resistant and self-cleaning Control 10 depth guidance discs and Control 25 depth guidance rollers for exact adjustment of the placement depth
  • Decoupling coulter guidance and reconsolidation for a smoother coulter run and a universal response to the weather conditions

1. Exact adjustment in 4 steps
2. Reinforced support arm with a coulter pressure of up to 55 kg / hydraulic coulter pressure setting
3. Self-cleaning Control 10 depth guidance discs and Control 25 depth guidance rollers for exact adjustment of the placement depth
4. Furrow former for a clean profile seed furrow
5. Sowing disc ∅ 400 mm made of boron steel, working angle of 4°, for smooth operation of the coulter
6. Exact harrow for excellent seed coverage

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Sowing disc

The sowing disc is made from highly wear-resistant Boron steel and features a diameter of 400 mm. Thanks to the robust design, the wear is reduced to a minimum. Due to the large diameter of the sowing disc, the coulter runs very smoothly resulting in an excellent placement accuracy of the coulter system.

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Coulter pressure adjustment

The coulter pressure is infinitely-variable with the adjustment being carried out hydraulically from the tractor cab and this serves to maintain an easy matching of the sowing depth and allows the quick adaptation to the prevailing soil conditions. RoTeC pro coulters can be operated with a coulter pressure of up to 55 kg.

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Furrow former

With the aid of the furrow former, the seed furrow is kept clear of any trash ensuring an optimum soil contact for the seed. Due to its flexible mounting, the furrow former rids itself of earth and trapped harvest residues.

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Depth guidance RoTeC pro coulter

One of the unbeatable advantages of the RoTeC pro single disc coulter is that the reconsolidation is decoupled from the coulter depth control. This means that the coulter is raised only once when passing a stone. Furthermore, the coulter and roller pressure can be adjusted independently of each other. This very even and accurately controlled way of guiding the RoTeC pro single disc coulter is ensured by the Control 10 depth guidance roller, with its 10 mm wide contact area, or the Control 25 depth guidance roller, with its 25 mm wide contact area, directly on the coulter. The basic setting of the sowing depth takes place without tools and in 4 steps, directly on the coulter.

  1. Control 25 depth guidance roller
  2. Furrow former
  3. Sowing disc
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TwinTeC+ coulter The high-output double disc coulter

Smooth running, rugged and maintenance free: Using the high output TwinTeC+ coulter, AMAZONE equips the Cirrus with one of the most robust and most precise double disc coulters around. Thanks to its coulter pressure of up to 100 kg and its very good cutting performance, the TwinTeC+ double disc coulter also manages very well in hard and cloddy seedbed conditions. The basic body and the coulter bearing shell, made from forged steel, are equipped with sufficient reserves even under the most arduous of operating conditions. Due to the high coulter pressure of the TwinTeC+ double disc coulter, the sowing performance is very precise even under mulch sowing conditions with a very high proportion of organic matter in the seedbed. Thanks to the innovative coulter pressure adjustment via an oil circuit, the coulter pressure is maintained even in very hilly terrain so that the pre-set sowing depth is safely maintained.

The TwinTeC+ double disc coulter is completely maintenance- free and thus fulfils highest demands.

TwinTeC+ double disc coulter (cross-section)
1. Internal scrapers
2. Hydraulic coulter pressure setting from 0 to 100 kg
3. Exchangeable seed guidance
4. Maintenance-free bearings, no lubrication points on maintenance-free coulter
5. Double disc ∅ 380 mm, angle of 10°
6. Guide extension
7. Seed catcher
8. Coulter harrow with adjustable angle
9. Wheel carrier with Control+ depth control roller in widths of 50, 65 or 75 mm

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The double discs

The sharpened, pre-tensioned discs with a 10° angle of attack ensure a good cutting performance of the coulter. The large 380 mm diameter discs ensure a smooth run. Thanks to the large coulter clearance of 190 mm and the connection to the depth guidance roller via the top-mounted coulter carrier, there remains sufficient space so that a blockage-free operation is possible.

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TwinTeC+ coulter pressure

Setting the coulter pressure via the ISOBUS terminal is standard. The coulter reliably maintains the pressure selected. This is of special benefit when sowing shallow in very hilly terrain.

Hollow: When passing through a hollow, the coulters are additionally pushed against the ground. This causes an overpressure in the coulter pressure cylinder which is directly returned to the oil circuit. The coulter pressure is maintained.

Hill: When passing a hilltop the coulters are lowered resulting in an underpressure in the coulter pressure cylinder which is immediately compensated with additional oil from the circuit. The coulter pressure remains constant.

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Seed guidance

The guide extension and the seed catcher safely deliver the seed to the bottom of the furrow and prevent any bouncing out of the individual grains. The standard inner scraper, as an option also with hard metal wear plates, ensures the accurate operation even on sticky soils and noticeably increases the operational reliability.

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Depth guidance

The parallel-guided depth control rollers provide the safe maintenance of the sowing depth on each individual coulter. The Control+ depth control rollers are available in widths of 50 mm, 65 mm and 75 mm. This means that the working performance of the machine is ensured on any soils from the lightest sand with poor carrying ability to the heaviest clay. Optional scrapers on the depth guidance roller ensure the even guidance of the coulter even under moist conditions.

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Automatic coulter pressure adjustment on the basis of application maps

The same placement depth in all soil types

Apart from application maps for sowing and fertilisation, the coulter pressure on the Cirrus can also be adjusted via application maps.

Arable soils may be highly heterogeneous even on an area of just a few square metres. AMAZONE offers the option of automatic coulter pressure adjustment, in order to adapt to these varying conditions in the best way possible and create the best growing conditions for the plants. The prerequisite for this is the TwinTeC plus coulter.

In addition to the sowing and fertiliser maps, a soil map can be created in the farm management system which can be loaded into the ISOBUS terminal within a very short time. The coulter pressure is automatically adjusted to the various soil zones in the soil map while the machine is in use in the field.

Up to 4 different application maps can be run at the same time with the AMAZONE AmaTron 4 ISOBUS terminal. Apart from the soil maps, work can therefore also be carried out with several sowing and fertiliser maps without any problems.

The automatic coulter pressure regulation not only provides the optimum sowing depth at all times, it also makes the work much easier for the driver. This is a great help, especially during night shifts or for operating personnel who normally carry out other tasks, and ensures a consistent quality of work.

Hydraulic coulter pressure without an application map results in an inconsistent placement depth

Hydraulic coulter pressure adjustment on the basis of application maps provides a consistent placement depth

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HD Roller harrow in combination with RoTeC pro

After the seed row has been closed by the HD Roller harrow, the soil above the seed furrow is additionally pressed resulting in optimum germination conditions. This is recommended especially for light, dry soils when sowing spring crops or rape. An undulating surface profile that reduces erosion is the result. Thanks to the hardening process of the harrow tines, these feature a particularly high longevity. This means that the special advantage is that the pressure per roller can be set between 0 and 35 kg per roller, completely independently of the coulter pressure.

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Coulter harrow on the TwinTeC+ coulter

The optionally available coulter harrow provides additional loose soil above the furrow. This is especially helpful on heavy soils in sloping terrain to prevent capping and the formation of water run-off channels. In addition, any prevailing straw is distributed. The aggressiveness of the coulter harrow can be set in three different positions without tools. In cases where the harrow is not required, then it can be swung up into ist parking position.

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Exact S following harrow in combination with RoTeC pro

The Exact S following harrow works blockage-free, even with large amounts of straw. Individual, swivel-mounted harrow elements allow it to adapt to uneven ground and achieve even seed coverage. The Exact harrow is particularly useful when sowing under less than optimal conditions, e.g. on moist or heavy ground. The Exact harrow, with its 15 mm thick tines, is particularly low-wearing and ensures reliable seed coverage even under the most difficult of operating conditions.

The harrow pressure is adjusted mechanically by pre-tensioning the harrow springs. When equipped with the optional hydraulic harrow pressure adjustment, locating pins predetermine the minimum and maximum settings. So, the harrow pressure and the coulter pressure can be simultaneously matched to changing soils via just one tractor spool valve whilst on the move.

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