Disc elements

Maximum effectiveness – seedbed preparation and sowing in one pass

Solo sowing at high work rates
With all the technical benefits of the basic seed drill, the Cirrus without disc segment is a cost-effective alternative for solo sowing but still maintains the pre-drilling reconsolidation. In this specification as well, the optional Crushboard can be added.

Trailed cultivator drill l with 2-row disc element
The Cirrus can be equipped with the 2-row disc element for up-front soil tillage. The disc element loosens, crumbs and levels the seedbed, depending on the type of discs chosen, immediately ahead of the seed placement. The working depth of the disc element can be adjusted on the move. Via a series of holes, the end discs can be adjusted individually to ensure a level finish between bouts. 

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Selecting the correct disc – coarse, fine or smooth

Several options can be selected for the disc element: a cutting disc, a coarse-serrated disc, a fine-serrated disc and a smooth disc.


Fine-serrated discs

Fine-serrated disc 460 mm

The fine-serrated disc shows its strengths in shallow seedbed preparation. It provides more fine soil for an optimum seed embedment.

Coarse-serrated discs

Coarse-serrated disc 460 mm

The coarse-serrated disc is ideally suited to deeper seedbed preparation. Due to its profile, extremely effective incorporation, including the mulching of harvest residues, is achieved. A steep angle of attack for the discs ensures a particularly intense mixing.

Smooth discs

Smooth discs 460 mm

The smooth disc is also ideally suited to deeper seedbed preparation. The smooth disc is also frequently fitted to the outer disc carriers, because it only throws up a small amount of soil.

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Rubber sprung buffer blocks – reliable and maintenance-free

The disc system combines two discs mounted on one arm which is suspended via sprung rubber blocks and which optimally follows the ground contours. In addition, the rubber sprung buffers act as an overload safety device on stony soils. In this way, a safe, maintenance-free operation of the disc element is ensured – and at a constant, even working depth.

  1. Rubber sprung buffer blocks
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Minimum TillDisc – Water-conserving strip till with cutting disc

Minimum TillDisc cutting disc
The Minimum TillDisc is ideal for water-conserving and weed-reducing soil tillage. The amount of soil moved is minimised by using the discs in strips. It only loosens and cuts the area where the following sowing coulter runs to prevent any renewed germination of weeds. A further use is provided by adopting the disc setup in areas with higher resistance. 

Water-conserving strip till
The use of the Minimum TillDisc in dry locations allows for water-conserving strip till, as only the strip immediately in front of the sowing coulters is worked. Under moist, sticky soil conditions, the cutting disc element pulls up fewer clods to the surface than a normal disc element. Using the Minimum TillDisc also makes the Cirrus easier to pull, which has a positive effect on fuel consumption.

Advantages of the Minimum TillDisc: 

  • Water-conserving strip till 
  • Least possible soil movement 
  • Less clod formation 
  • Discs are very easy to pull

  1. Minimum TillDisc 2) Matrix tyres 3) TwinTeC coulters

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