Flexible and reliable! The tramline and half-side shut-off control system on the Cataya

Tramline control
The tramline control can be used to switch off up to 2 x 5 seed rows, so that a tramline can be easily established. The tramline control is made possible via a layshaft which drives the tramline seed wheels. If a tramline is being created, the layshaft is locked which then simultaneously stops the freely rotating tramline seed wheels on the seed shaft. Wider wheelings are ideal when using crop care tractors with tyre widths of up to 900 mm on 15 cm row spacing or 500 mm on 12.5 cm row spacing.

Half-side shut-off
Asymmetrical tramline rhythms can be created via the half-side shut-off control. The ability for half-side shut-off is realised on the Cataya using a centrally split sowing shaft and layshaft. The sowing shaft and layshaft are simply switched off on one side when the half-side shut-off control is activated. If the Cataya Super is equipped with the optional twin-sided electric metering drive, the selection of which side is left working can be made from the cab. 

Half-side shut-off and the tramline control ensures the ability to create asymmetrical tramline rhythms

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