AMAZONE Report - Issue 43
Issue 43 - 03/2022
Magazine of AMAZONEN-WERKE for employees, customers and friends of the company.
- A watchful eye in troubled times
- Dates
- AMAZONE machinery at Agrarservice Kerkering
- 1.2 million fertiliser spreaders in over 100 years of history
- AMAZONE ploughs play in the top league
- A new age requires different concepts
- Cobra-2TX trailed shallow cultivator
- From the branches
- AMAZONE is participating in the AgriGaia project
- View from above: Bramsche
- A life full of passion for AMAZONE
- “Cereals 2021” exhibition in Great Britain
A watchful eye in troubled times
After the news about coronavirus had already become almost normal and we all hoped to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we now receive terrible news from Eastern Europe on a daily basis. Deeply concerned, we now think of all the people suffering from the war and want to help them as much as possible, especially our friends in Ukraine. Nobody can deny that the consequences of this war will cause great turmoil at political and economic level, some of which is already obvious. Our industry will also be not excluded from this.
It is therefore difficult to make predictions at the present time, even well-intentioned advice is counter-productive. We have great confidence in our employees and partners and know that we are well positioned to respond quickly to major challenges. We have proven this many times in the history of our company. But above all, we wish you and all of us a more peaceful future!
The AMAZONEN-WERKE Management team
We use our know-how and creativity to help contribute to the success of our customers with new solutions. Experience our products live and visit us at the following events:
agra 2022
21 – 24 April 2022
DLG Field Days
14 – 16 June 2022
Kirschgartshausen, Mannheim
Eco Field Days
28 – 30 June 2022
Tarmstedt Exhibition
08 – 11 July 2022
02 – 06 September 2022
14 – 17 September 2022
Please save the date:
12. – 18 November 2023
in Hanover
AMAZONE machinery at Agrarservice Kerkering
Agrarservice Kerkering in Rosendahl-Holtwick in the Münsterland region of Germany is one of our special contractor friends. Theo Kerkering founded the contracting business in 1975 and ran it together with his wife Anni until September 2004. His son Stefan joined the management in October 2004. The range of services includes all tasks of field and harvest work. With six permanent employees as well as seasonal helpers, Agrarservice operates ten tractors, nine combine harvesters and four maize choppers.
AMAZONE products have been part of the large range of machinery from the very beginning – fertiliser spreaders, seed drills combined with rotary cultivators and precision seeders. The Precea 6000-2FCC precision air seeder replaced Kerkering's existing EDX machine for maize sowing in the spring of 2021. Theo and Stefan Kerkering were so satisfied with the field emergence that they have already ordered a second machine of identical specification for sowing next spring.
Agrarservice Kerkering is supported by our factory representative Jan-Heiner Kampmeyer. We wish the Kerkering family continued success and all the best for the future with their AMAZONE machinery.
1.2 million fertiliser spreaders in over 100 years of history
Heinrich Dreyer, the AMAZONE founder, applied for his first patent on a worm auger fertiliser spreader in 1915. In those days, the chain fertiliser distributor was the measure of all things. The disadvantage of theses spreaders was that they were very heavy, prone to rusting and expensive, and the spreading elements became clogged when the fertiliser was wet. The AMAZONE worm auger spreaders were built and sold from 1917.
The worm auger spreader was easy to pull, easy to clean and affordable. Any fertiliser could be evenly spread no matter whether it was dry or moist. From 1922 onwards, the triumphant advance of the AMAZONE worm auger fertiliser spreader was unstoppable and AMAZONE became the leader in the fertiliser spreader market in the early 1930s.
The twin disc fertiliser spreader, which became the model for all spreaders throughout the world with its style of technology, was added by Heinz Dreyer (1932 - 2023) in 1958. This spreader underwent extensive development up to the point where it can be supplied today in working widths of up to 50 m with modern weighing technology for monitoring the amount of fertiliser to be spread, the Argus-Twin automatic spread fan monitoring system and automatic side wind compensation (WindControl). This technology provides a uniform spread pattern with a coefficient of variation of less than 5 % for all types of fertiliser and weather conditions. AMAZONE remains the market leader in this field.
AMAZONE has supplied more than 250,000 worm auger fertiliser spreaders and more than 950,000 twin disc fertiliser spreaders as well as pneumatic spreaders, i.e. more than 1.2 million fertiliser spreaders throughout the world in more than 100 years of history.
AMAZONE ploughs play in the top league
Tyrok 400 semi-mounted reversible plough
With the Tyrok 400 semi-mounted reversible, AMAZONE has launched a completely newly developed plough for the 400 hp class with a choice of seven, eight or nine furrows. The main features of this plough are its higher output, even under continuous load, and the perfect quality of work. At the same time, the Tyrok offers a high level of comfort due to its simple operation.
The SpeedBlade plough bodies enable a high working speed of up to 10 km/h with low wear. An integrated hydraulic shock absorbing system in the headstock makes fast and low-stress turning possible. The substantial support wheel is also damped for comfortable transport.
Teres 300 mounted reversible plough
With the Teres 300 mounted reversible plough, AMAZONE is offering a new mounted plough in 4, 5 or 6 furrows for tractors up to 300 hp. The furrow width per body can be adjusted from 33 cm to 55 cm, also hydraulically on request.
The working speed is up to 10 km/h with low wear. AMAZONE manufactures its own wings using the exclusive ©plus hardening process, which makes them particularly hard-wearing and wear-resistant. They also have a special replacement point to keep the spare parts costs low. Various wheels mounted at the rear or in the centre ensure smooth transport on the road and shock absorbance in the frame permit quick turning without wear.
A new age requires different concepts
In the age of the pandemic, face-to-face events such as field days and trade fairs are only feasible to a limited extent. Since then, our 16-strong sales promotion team, together with the affiliated AMAZONE branches in Rendsburg, Gottin, Gablingen and Kottenheim, has increasingly concentrated on professional field demonstrations on-site at the end customer together with our sales partners.
Our focus is to explain our innovative and efficient products to the customers in a comprehensible way and to prove the added value in practical operation.
Undulating terrain, wheel tracks or extreme weather conditions are everyday challenges in practical use. There is no second chance to make a good first impression here, every move has to be perfectly executed! What motivates us is driving off the farm after a convincing demonstration having laid the foundation for a sale.
We gave extensive demonstrations of our new Precea precision air seeder, the UX 01 trailed sprayer product range and the Avant 02 drill combination in 2021. While most tours are organised regionally by our branches, we did about 3,000 km on the road across regions with the Avant 6002 drill combination with FTender front tank for autumn sowing. In addition to this, we pass on our practical experience to our sales partners and end customers via the new digital training concept during the winter months and look forward to getting back into the field.
Cobra-2TX trailed shallow cultivator
Shredding, moving and mixing together with reconsolidation as an option – all in a single pass! The new 6-stagger Cobra shallow cultivator will be available in widths of 6 and 7 m from 2022.
The Cobra with its six stagger of ECO leaf-spring tines is the specialist for shallow and medium-depth cultivation from 4 to 13 cm and provides an enormously large passage of organic matter and soil despite the narrow tine spacing of 13.3 cm. The vibration of the leaf-spring tines produces a large amount of fine soil in the process.
In addition, the ECO leaf-spring tines can adapt very flexibly to the soil conditions and can avoid obstacles. Equipped with 220 mm wide duckfoot shares, full-surface movement is obtained, and all the stubble and weeds are completely chopped up.
The working depth is precisely regulated via support wheels and packer rollers. Various packer rollers and also the up-front knife roller for sustainable shredding of plant residues can be used.
From the branches
Branch in Gottin established 30 years ago
After the reunification of Germany, AMAZONE established a branch in Warnkenhagen-Gottin, near Rostock in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, in 1992. A spacious area with some usable buildings was also acquired. A completely renovated facility with modern training and hospitality rooms is now the central point of contact for consultations, training sessions and technical events for sales partners, farmers and contractors. A warehouse for functionally relevant spare parts ensures immediate on-the-spot support when required.
Frank Schröder took over as the new the branch manager on 1 August 2021. He has years of experience in agricultural machinery and is from the region. The team in Gottin also includes the factory representative Ingo Hoppe, as well as Maik Weiland, who is responsible for sales promotion activities.
A palace in Grünau
Although this beautiful architectural jewel in Grünau, a district of Leipzig, is not a palace, it was once the prestigious private residence of the Sack family. The families of the brothers Paul and Hans Sack, the sons of Rudolph Sack, the plough pioneer and founder of the company Rud. Sack, lived there until 1945. The company was expropriated after the Second World War, transferred to state ownership and was then called BBG (BodenBearbeitungsGeräte). AMAZONEN-WERKE took over the company in 1990 after German reunification.
The villa is part of a 200 hectare site which, apart from the two spacious parks, includes the Rud. Sack test centre with numerous facilities and buildings. It was not only Sack’s machines and equipment which were tested here, there were also specially created facilities such as a swimming pool, a lake with a boathouse, a restaurant with a bowling alley and vegetable gardens, which were available to the employees. Other residential buildings for members of the Sack family and for senior staff extended across the grounds.
Some of the houses are still in use today, while other facilities in the parks have been demolished, rededicated or have become dilapidated and overgrown. After the war, the villa was first used as a tuberculosis home, then as a district hospital, and after further conversions, the hospital was given the name “Robert Koch Clinic”. Cultural events were now held in Robert Koch Park, in keeping with the name of the clinic. The clinic was in use up until a few years ago, but then moved because the building was badly in need of restoration.
It was then used only sporadically for cultural events and family celebrations. An association, Komm e.V., has been founded to take care of the park and the building in the meantime. It also intends to campaign for the park to be renamed “Rudolph Sack Park”. It is important to the association that the name of the plough pioneer is remembered.
Change of management in Forbach in France
The previous managing director Patrice Franke has left AMAZONE Forbach S.A. at his own request. We thank him for his many years of successful work. At the same time, we are pleased to have found an accomplished successor in Mr Frédéric Descamps, who took over the management on 1 November 2021.
Mr Descamps is a trained mechanical engineer specialising in agricultural machinery and has many years of experience in the field of soil tillage. He has held various management positions in both France and Germany, most recently as technical operations manager at the former Rabewerk in Bad Essen, which belonged to the French “Grégoire-Besson GmbH” until 2020. Here, Frédéric Descamps was responsible for the areas of investment, technical advice, personnel, purchasing as well as sales and marketing.
Mr Descamps will be supported by Management Board member Ludger Braunsmann from the headquarters in Gaste. We are looking forward to a future-oriented and constructive working relationship and wish Mr. Descamps and his team a successful start and enjoyment in their work.
30 years in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
AMAZONE started in Eastern Europe in a big way in 1992. We first worked together with Unicom in the Czech Republic and Slovakia before Agrotec took over our representation after
its dissolution. Our loyal partners, Mr Jiri Kubik, who was also our product manager, and his colleague Bohdan Musil were always by our side. Agrotec celebrated the 30th anniversary of the company in 2020.
From modest beginnings with 60 employees, Agrotec has grown into a group of companies with around 1,000 employees. In addition to agricultural machinery, cars and commercial vehicles are now sold on the Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian markets.
AMAZONE made its “Black Pantera” self-propelled sprayer, which had already caused a sensation at Agritechnica 2019, available to mark the anniversary. This very special model then remained in the Czech Republic and was sold by Agrotec as the one hundredth Pantera on the Czech market. AMAZONE congratulates the Managing Director Mr Martin Rada on his great results and wishes him and his team continued success in the development of the company.
Diamond wedding anniversary for Malu and Klaus Dreyer
Malu and Klaus Dreyer met at an agricultural machinery exhibition in Vienna. Malu Bruckmüller attended the exhibition accompanied by Mr Eberhard Ruth, junior manager of the Weissgerber company from Marbach an der Donau. Weissgerber represented AMAZONEN-WERKE in Austria and had a stand at this exhibition. Klaus Dreyer and Eberhard Ruth had known each other for a long time. Eberhard Ruth introduced Malu to Klaus Dreyer and this encounter resulted in a classic case of love at first sight; no wonder with Malu's Viennese charm.
At the time, she was living with her parents in Vienna and studying languages. They arranged to visit interesting places in Vienna and became closer. Back in Gaste, an intensive exchange of letters took place – mobile phones and emails did not exist in those days – which further deepened the relationship. Telephone calls were also difficult and expensive at that time.
On 15 March 1962, Klaus Dreyer walked his bride, Malu down the aisle at the Gustav Adolf Church in Vienna. This happy marriage produced three children. Son Christian runs the successful family business together with his second cousin, Dr Justus Dreyer.
Six decades have passed since Klaus Dreyer married his wife. Malu. On the occasion of these 60 years of marriage, we wish them all the best, good health and God’s blessing.
Trainees create flower strips
Agriculture has no prospects without an intact environment. At AMAZONE, we attach great importance to the topic of environment and nature conservation – not because it is the latest trend, but because it is closely related to the success of our industry. Modern agriculture cannot be practised where nature is destroyed.
We aim to make our trainees aware of this by means of the “flower strips” project. Here they plan and design the appropriate planting of unused areas on our factory premises. They systematically create an additional habitat for insects and small animals with the flower strips which they plant. These flower strips are also important food sources, breeding areas and refuges for many other species. Planting and maintaining flower strips is a rewarding activity for anyone who wants to promote the environment and nature. We wish to raise the awareness of young people and get them involved in nature conservation.
The trainees in Hude implement environmental and nature conservation measures on site with great enthusiasm and thereby promote local biodiversity. In addition, flower strips visually enrich the landscape.
Straw cutters from AMAZONE
In the early years of our company's existence, when it was still called Heinrich Dreyer Landmaschinenfabrik, straw cutters were produced in addition to butter churns to round off the product range. After the bundles of straw had been threshed, they were cut into various pieces by hand. Cut into different lengths, the straw was used for bedding and also for feed, especially in times of need. The “Ritzratz” straw cutter was produced in large quantities for several years.
The “Strohfix” straw cutter, which was motor-driven via a pulley, was developed in 1925 under the name Amazonenwerk. This machine was more expensive and intended for larger farms. However, only a few “Strohfix” were produced. Heinrich Dreyer was already concentrating more on the "Federkraft” potato sorter at that time.
Our employees’ hobbies
Clemens Rittel discovered an affinity for water at an early age. His grandparents used to take him out on the Wannsee in Berlin when he was a child. At the age of 35, he fulfilled his dream of owning a 4.20 m Hille motorboat. But he quickly realised that sailing was a more enjoyable way to get around on the water. So, on the spur of the moment, the motorboat driver decided to became a sailor.
In 2020, he and his wife fulfilled their dream of living on a boat. By chance, he became aware of a church boat of the diocese of Essen, the St. Nikolaus, which was up for sale. After the first inspection, it was clear that it would be possible to live and work on the ship in his old age. St. Nikolaus is being carefully renovated; its provenance will be preserved. This is being honoured by the diocese of Essen with the permission to fly the church flag. Clemens Rittel not only lives on the boat, he also makes it available to the “Lebenswunsch e.V.” association, which fulfills the last wishes of seriously ill people, and as a small stage for musicians.
And in keeping with the motto “Don’t dream your life, live your dream”, a 13-metre Max Oertz sailing ship from 1932 is also being restored for longer sailing trips. We wish him fair winds and always water under the keel!
Constantly on the road for AMAZONE
Ingo Hoppe, who took over his territory from Mr Assmann, is one of our younger representatives. Ingo Hoppe has represented AMAZONEN-WERKE in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since March 2019 and has achieved good sales results since then.
Mr Hoppe successfully completed extensive dual vocational training as an agronomist with a university of applied sciences entrance qualification, where he specialised in harvesting, crop and drilling technology. He then studied agriculture at Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, graduating with a Bachelor's degree. Ingo Hoppe gained practical experience at Schröder Landtechnik and Fricke Landtechnik, where he got to know the machinery and the features of our AMAZONE products. With his extensive knowledge and his commercial skills, it is not difficult for Ingo Hoppe to advise farmers, farm managers and sales representatives and to convince them of our products. We wish Mr Hoppe every success for the future and enjoyment at work.
Robots in use in Leipzig
Streamlining is essential for life (and survival)
The year 2022 began at the Leipzig plant with the commissioning of two new production lines. In addition to optimising productivity, the focus during the project planning was primarily on improving the ergonomics of the workplace.
The new robot welding system arrived in the week between Christmas and New Year. Amongst other things, the system is used for producing Catros disc arms. The special feature is that two robots weld components simultaneously inside the system. Apart from the robot system, investments were made in the extraction technology and lifting equipment, in order to improve the entire production process for the employees.
A new vertical lathe was purchased for metal cutting. This is used for the production of central components of the Catros disc bearing. The machine fleet was expanded, so that the in-house production capacities could be increased by 30 %. As part of the project, the structure of the existing island production was adapted, whereby routes and
material flows were optimised.
AMAZONE is participating in the AgriGaia project
Cooperation with strong partners
AMAZONE is working together with several associated companies, including Robert Bosch GmbH, Claas E-System GmbH, Bernard Krone GmbH & Co. KG and the University of Osnabrück on the AgriGaia project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action. The project aims to bring artificial intelligence (AI) into agricultural practice by means of a comprehensive platform, thereby creating added value for the farmer. The platform also enables artificial intelligence to be applied to AMAZONE machinery and optimise the work process.
The plants in the field are analysed with highly complex sensors installed on the machines. Based on different colours and shapes, the sensor can use artificial intelligence to determine whether it is a crop or a weed and whether the plant is supplied with sufficient nutrients. The detection of plant diseases will also be possible in the future.
The machine is able to work much more precisely by analysing the data with artificial intelligence. Plants can be selectively treated chemically or mechanically, or even removed, and better needs-based fertilisation is possible. Artificial intelligence for AMAZONE agricultural machinery – the future has already begun!
View from above: Bramsche
Expectations for the development of AMAZONEN-WERKE are also positive in 2022. We are therefore planning to further expand our capacity at AMAZONE and adapt it to the increased demand.
The production of the Pantera crop protection sprayer, the ZG high-performance fertiliser spreaders and the Primera DMC large area seed drill will be relocated from the current site in Leeden to the new production facility in Bramsche-Schleptrup.
A life full of passion for AMAZONE
Visionary of the world of agricultural machinery celebrates his 90th birthday
Prof. h.c. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinz Dreyer (1932 - 2023), the Managing Director of Amazonen-Werke for many years, celebrated his 90th birthday on 19th February. He helped to build up the company as the third generation of the Dreyer families involved and played a significant role in developing it into the global agricultural machinery specialist in modern crop production. In the course of his activities in the management of the Amazone Group, he made a large number of important award-winning technical inventions which have been patented. He transferred his management responsibilities to his son, Dr. Justus Dreyer, at the beginning of 2005. Nevertheless, he is still responsible for the Amazone seeding technology and optimum fertilisation and maintains his association with various universities. He also continues to be a member of the management board.
As the eldest son of Dipl. Eng. Heinrich Dreyer, the successor to the founder of Amazonen-Werke, Heinz Dreyer was born in 1932 and was designated by his father as his successor at an early stage. He studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and, after graduating in 1956, continued at the university as a freelancer with a research contract from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture (Bonn) to complete his doctorate.
However, his plans were abruptly interrupted when his father died suddenly in November 1957. From that point, Heinz Dreyer immediately joined AMAZONEN-WERKE, together with his cousin Klaus Dreyer, and took over the management of the company together with him. In addition to the necessary expansion of the company, Heinz Dreyer tackled his doctoral thesis again, additionally studying Agricultural Business Administration and Agricultural Policy with the corresponding examinations and received his doctorate from the Justus Liebig University in Gießen in 1963.
He was primarily concerned with product development from the outset and he immediately achieved great success here. After only a few weeks, he invented the first ZA three-point linkage mounted, twin disc fertiliser spreader, which later became the forerunner to almost every other fertiliser spreader used around the world since and it has sold
well over 950,000 units to date. He was also involved in the further development of potato harvesters, developed a new type of manure spreader with a wide-spreading unit, invented new seed drills for larger working widths, and then finally, a new modern, tractor-mounted seed drill, which also brought AMAZONEN-WERKE market leadership in this field after a short time - the legendary AMAZONE D4.
Over the years, Prof. Dreyer has anchored the AMAZONE virtues into the DNA of the overall AMAZONE organisation: These include outstanding innovative success, high quality standards and communication on equal terms with farmers and scientists from all over the world. With unceasing passion and high commitment, agricultural machinery development is a matter very close to his heart and for him the key to the success of AMAZONE.
“Cereals 2021” exhibition in Great Britain
At the “Cereals”, the most important agricultural machinery exhibition in Great Britain, the machinery is not only presented statically but also shown in practical use.
The impressive AMAZONE stand had an area of 850m² and showed 18 different machines, half of which were new developments. The Precea precision air seeders in 3 m and 4.5 m widths, the current version of the Cirrus 6003-2CC with ISOBUS control and the new Cenio 3000 mulch cultivator were presented in addition to the ZA-M 1502 fertiliser spreader, the Catros 7003-2TX compact disc harrow and the Ceus 4002-2TX disc harrow cultivator combination with FTender-C front tank for the deep placement of fertiliser.
We showed the direct seeders in practical use on the demonstration area. The 6 m wide Primera DMC large-area seed drill proved its superiority in a direct comparison during simultaneous demonstrations of the competitors on the direct seeding area. In addition, the spraying technology was demonstrated on a new slalom course. Our UX 5201 Super trailed sprayer, the UF 2002 mounted sprayer with FT 1502 front tank and the absolute star of the show, the Pantera 4504 self-propelled sprayer, completed the course in exemplary fashion. During the practical demonstrations, AMAZONE was able to show why our technology is leading the market.
After the “Cereals” 2020 had been cancelled due to the coronavirus, many farmers and dealers came this time - a complete success for AMAZONE.