Fertiliser equipment

Double benefit – lime and fertiliser distributed to perfection

A particular characteristic of the ZG-TX is the simple changeover between the spreading unit for lime and the TS spreading unit for granular mineral fertilisers. Just the individual components need to be changed or moved to the park position. Thanks to the clever software, the terminal recognises that the spreader has been converted. The combi spreader is converted completely in around 25 minutes enabling either lime or fertiliser then to be spread. The benefits of both systems are used after changing over.

Only 4 components have to be changed in this intuitive conversion: 
1. Scatter guard
2. Spreading discs
3. Funnel chute
4. Filling sieves

The benefits: 

  • Quick changeover of fewer components 
  • Intuitively supported by software 
  • No technological compromises in the spreading unit 
  • Flexible use ensures economic utilisation

Fertiliser equipment on the ZG-TX with activated double shutter and chain rake in the park position

Lime equipment on the ZG-TX with activated chain rake and double shutter in a park position

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Accurate fertilisation in focus

The term combi spreader has so far been used to describe machines which meter either mineral fertilisers or lime onto two spreading discs via a floor belt. However, the demand for optimum precision is also increasing in the customer sector for combi spreaders. Against this background, AMAZONE decided to break new ground in the field of fertiliser application and combine it with the proven precision of the TS spreading system. The result is new in many respects! 

Instead of a simple chute via which the fertiliser is guided onto the disc, a defined delivery point adjustment is integrated in the ZG-TX. This in turn enables features such as HeadlandControl and Section Control in the optional electric version. 

The swivelling of the delivery system offers a wide bandwidth of possible working widths. The working width range of 15 m to 54 m is covered by just 3 sets of spreading vanes.

The benefits

  • Perfect lateral distribution with working widths of up to 54 m 
  • Precise setting 
  • SectionControl with 16 part-width sections
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Tronic – mechanical spreading disc drive

The spreading unit of the ZG-TX is mechanically driven. In this case, the spreader is protected from overload, as standard, by a universal drive shaft with friction coupling. The input speed from the tractor PTO is transmitted via the central gearbox resulting in an increased spreading disc speed. This allows spreading at low engine revs across the maximum working width. 

  • Between 1 and 16 part-width sections are switchable, depending on the equipment level chosen.

  1. Defined delivery point adjustment
  2. Spreading disc with disc-integrated AutoTS on the right-hand side
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The TS spreading discs – For the utmost precision at all spreading widths up to 54 m

Spreading system made from stainless steel – For a long service life

On the TS spreaders the entire spreading system is made from stainless steel providing a long service life.

The different spreading vane sets can be quickly and easily exchanged using an interchangeable system. The ideal solution, for example, for agricultural contractors.

Between normal spreading and border spreading, different spreading vanes are activated via the so-called AutoTS system without the necessity to change spreading disc settings.

Hard metal coated spreading vanes
The spreading vanes are coated with special long-lasting anti-wear protection. Consequently, the result is a three-fold increase in lifespan.

  1. The integrated AutoTS border spreading system is activated electrically. 

Optimum working width ranges of the spreading vane sets, depending on the fertiliser being spread: 

  • TS 10 = 15 m – max. 27 m 
  • TS 20 = 21 m – max. 33 m 
  • TS 30 = 24 m – max. 54 m

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Optimised spread pattern

Normal spreading
Via the adjustment of the delivery system, the feed-on point of the spreading material on to the spreading disc is changed and thus the spreading width and the lateral distribution are controlled. In addition, the working width can be set even more individually by changing the disc speed.

Non-sensitive spread pattern via the multi-sectional spread fan

The specific profile and angle of the spreading vanes result in a multi-spread fan from the TS spreading unit. This means that the pattern of the fertiliser from the long and short spreading vanes do not influence each other and so an optimum trajectory is maintained.

Three-dimensional spread pattern

The spreading unit has been developed using three-dimensional spread patterns so that a perfect lateral distribution of up to 54 m working widths is achieved. The large overlap zones ensure a perfect spread pattern and are significantly more consistent with regard to any the external influences such as a side wind, change in topography, humidity and changing fertiliser qualities.

  1. Lateral distribution (working width 36 m)
  2. Throwing width 72 m
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FlowControl – The automatic rate calibration

FlowControl is fitted so that one sensor per spreading disc determines the torque levels of the individual spreading discs. In the event of a deviation from the desired output, the FlowControl momentarily adjusts the position of the rate shutters.

Advantages of FlowControl: 

  • Precision from the very first second 
  • Exact spread rate regulation irrespective of which side 
  • Detection of empty runs and blockages

  1. Double shutter: Side-independent spread rate regulation
  2. FlowControl: Torque measurement
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2 methods for the optimum metering of mineral fertiliser

AMAZONE offers two options for optimum metering with the manual single shutter, which can be used as a low application rate slide for lime, or the electric double shutter for mineral fertiliser. In the simplest equipment level, the single shutter enables forward-speed related rate control.

The intelligent interaction of the floor belt speed and electric double shutter enables quick and precise regulation. As a result, side-independent metering is possible when using application maps or part-width section control.

Single shutter

Advantages of the single shutter 

  • Simple and easiest equipment level 
  • Forward-speed dependent application rate control 
  • Easy calibration

Electric double shutter
Advantages of the electric double shutter 

  • Precise regulation thanks to the intelligent interaction of floor belt and double shutter 
  • Side-independent metering when using application maps and part-width section control 
  • Automatic part-width section control with up to 16 part-width sections in conjunction with the electric delivery system
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Comfortable calibration device

AMAZONE offers a calibration device for a quick and easy check of the spread rate. Thanks to the calibration menu, the process is intuitively integrated in the software, and operating errors are avoided. A precise application rate can also be guaranteed even from the simplest machines in this way.

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AutoTS border spreading system – Full control. At all times!

Effective and precise – spread only where the fertiliser will benefit plant development

  1. Working width 2) Half working width

Side spreading (yield-oriented setting)
The adjacent field is an area which is used agriculturally. In this case it is tolerable for a small quantity of fertiliser to be thrown over the field border. The full target rate is applied right up to the field boundary.

  1. Working width 2) Half working width
Border spreading (environmentally oriented setting)
If the field is next to a road or a cycle path, no fertiliser may be thrown beyond the field boundary. In this case, the throwing distance is adjusted in combination with the shutter slide.

  1. Working width 2) Half working width

Water course spreading (environmentally oriented setting)
If there is a body of water directly at the edge of the field, a defined distance to the water must be maintained when fertilising according to the fertiliser regulations. For this purpose, the throwing distance is further reduced in combination with the shutter slide.

  • The ZG-TX sets new standards for border spreading in the combi spreader sector. The AutoTS disc-integrated border spreading system is mounted on the right-hand side of the machines as part of the TS spreading system. This guarantees an optimum border spreading result right up to the edge of the field, even at large working widths.
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AutoTS – comfortable and precise lateral distribution right up to the field boundary

The disc-integrated AutoTS border spreading system enables the activation of the different border spreading procedures – side, border or watercourse spreading – comfortably via the Terminal in the tractor cab, irrespective of which side.

AutoTS - the ingenious principle

A setting motor twists the carrier vane forwards by approximately 10 ° so that, when border or watercourse spreading, the fertiliser is delivered via the shorter border spreading vanes. Due to the combination of disc speed and a shorter vane, the fertiliser is thrown over a significant shorter distance without affecting it mechanically.

"The design specification for the development of the Amazone ZA-TS was clear: no more compromises between normal spreading and side, border and water course spreading at the field boundary." 
(profi – Spreading systems in practice: "Hydraulic or mechanical"· 06/2017)

AutoTS – position for normal spreading

AutoTS – position of the delivery vane during boundary spreading

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Increased yield on the border thanks to AutoTS

The AutoTS border spreading system makes it possible for the operator to reliably generate a very steep cut-off to the border spread pattern and thus create the perfect growing conditions right up against the field edge. Compared to other border spreading systems, a significant increase in yield is possible.

Automatic rate reduction when border spreading is possible with the AutoTS spreading unit. Rate changes are possible in freely selectable percentage steps. As the two spreading discs can be operated independently from one another, the change can be applied to just one, or both sides.

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Proven precision! Innovation Farm field trial

Field trials prove the best border spreading results

The aim of the field trial was to demonstrate the fact that border spreading systems provide not only ecological benefits, but also that they have a great influence on the potential yield in the field boundary area. 

Precise technology is required to spread the full rate of fertiliser right up to the field boundary, even at the larger working widths, as well as avoiding any fertiliser losses outside the field boundary.

AutoTS meets these requirements. This means that higher yields can be achieved, even at the field boundary.

Core messages of the trial

  • A wider working width or smaller field sizes increases the level of return on a boundary spreading system. 
  • The AutoTS spread patterns show a relatively even spread rate all the way up to the boundary where the rate then drops steeply. 
  • Any underdosage was clearly reduced by using AutoTS, which translates into higher yields.

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Spread pattern simulator

The spread pattern simulator gives an intuitive introduction to how a fertiliser spreader works. Optimal settings for a variety of combinations of fertilisers and working widths can be clearly displayed and the influence that wind and fertiliser quality have also shown. Try it for yourself…