Founded in 1883, since then family owned
Production sites:
- Parent plant and headquarter in Hasbergen-Gaste near Osnabrück - AMAZONEN-WERKE H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG
- Production site in Hude near Oldenburg - AMAZONEN-WERKE H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG
- Production site in Hude-Altmoorhausen near Oldenburg - AMAZONEN-WERKE H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG
- Production site in Forbach / France - AMAZONE S.A. Forbach
- Production site in Leipzig /Saxony - BBG Bodenbearbeitungsgeräte GmbH & Co.KG
- Production site - GAG Eurotechnik
- Production site Tecklenburg-Leeden - AMAZONE Technologie Leeden GmbH & Co. KG
- Production site Bramsche - AMAZONE Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
- Production site Ungarn - AMAZONE Technology Kft.
Sales branches in Great Britain, France, Canada, Ukraine, Hungaria, China, Russia, Romania and Kazakhstan.
Employees of the AMAZONE group: approx. 2,500
Export share: approx. 80 % of the turnover in more than 70 countries
The AMAZONEN-Werke are the specialists for fertiliser spreaders, seed drills, active (rotary cultivators and rotary harrows) and passive soil cultivation (disc cultivators and harrows), precision air seeders and crop protection sprayers. In addition AMAZONE offers since years efficient machinery for the maintenance of parks, green area maintenance and winter service.
The main customers of AMAZONE machinery are not only medium sized farms but increasingly also large estates and agricultural contractors.
AMAZONE products are known for
- quality and reliability
- innovation and efficiency
- efficiency above average
- outstanding operational performance
- quick and qualified customer service
- reliable spare parts supply
- high resale value of used machines
In addition AMAZONE provides the unique fertilising advisory service offering the customer information (also via the phone) about all - also unknown - kinds of fertilisers. Moreover AMAZONE offers a comprehensive information service in the internet, such as, for example spare parts lists, spreading charts, etc.
With 38 medals at the previous 14 Agrictechnica exhibitions AMAZONE is the most innovative enterprise within the branch.
In this way, the AMAZONEN-WERKE demonstrates, that also a medium sized family owned company in Germany is able to face international competition and to stand up against big groups .
The directors of AMAZONEN-WERKE are Graduate Economic Eng. Christian Dreyer and Graduate Eng. Dr. Justus Dreyer, the representatives of the 4th generation of the Dreyer family. They are determined to successfully and independently continue the tradition of the enterprise .
Image film AMAZONE 1883
AMAZONEN-WERKE are specialists in fertiliser spreaders, seed drills, active (rotary cultivators and rotary harrows) and passive (disc cultivators and harrows) soil tillage, precision air seeders and crop protection sprayers. AMAZONE has also been offering high-performance equipment for park and lawn maintenance and winter road gritting for many years. You will find out everything else here in the image film!