Image film

During the AMAZONE 125 year anniversary a film has been produced which shows the course of the company's history.
With a click on the opposite picture or the headline the film is available to you in German and English.

Advertising regarding the 125-year celebrations

Advertising regarding the 125-year celebrations at AMAZONE. In addition, you will find further links to material regarding the corporate anniversary.

Logo development since 1892

The typical AMAZONE logo with the horse was first used and shown to the public in 1892. In the following years and decades, the logo was developed further and several revised versions were produced, until the current logo for agricultural technology and groundcare was finally introduced in 2000. The AMAZONE colours orange and green still represent the company today and symbolise the two production sectors mentioned.

Chronicle of the AMAZONEN-Werke

The brief chronicle enables you to read about the AMAZONE history since its foundation in 1883 .

Historical picture gallery

Impressions from AMAZONE history - portraits & products.