With the E+S and EK-S, AMAZONE offers robust mounted spreaders suitable for a wide range of materials. From salt and sand, gravel or ash plus all other granulated and granular materials for a wide variety of spreading tasks - all year round.

Your benefits at a glance

The machine is set up quickly and easily via or on the SmartCenter. Set up and drive off in just a few minutes. The EasySet 2 E+S in-cab terminal enables the machine to be conveniently adjusted on the move – so the application rate can be quickly adjusted in those critical areas.

All sorts of materials can be precisely applied to both wide roads or narrow country lanes – tailored to the respective conditions thanks to the easily adjustable spreading unit and adaptable agitator.

Well thought through!
The spreading unit and hopper tip are made of stainless steel for a long service life, even with corrosive spreading materials.

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E+S H 751 mounted spreader

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IceTiger E+S family winter service

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