

For lawn and pasture maintenance, AMAZONE offers the HorseHopper and Groundkeeper mounted mowers, the Profihopper 1250 SmartLine 4WDi self-propelled mower/collectors with all-wheel drive as well as the Profihopper 1500 SmartLine universal machines for neat mowing, aerating, chopping and simultaneous uptake of the cut material, horse manure and refuse in communal and sports areas as well as on horse farms.

Road construction

For road construction, AMAZONE offers the ZA-XS H for mounting onto road rollers, which cover the new road surface with grit while rolling it.

Winter road gritting

For winter road gritting, AMAZONE offers the EK-S mounted spreader with hopper sizes from 150 to 370 l for small carrier vehicles and the E+S 01 with hopper sizes from 300 to 1,100 l. The precision IceTiger S and IceTiger with hopper sizes from 380 to 1900 l are the right choice for professional use on larger vehicles.

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