New ways of comfortable networked operation - Communication in real time

With AmaTron Connect, AMAZONE provides a digital interface to a smartphone or tablet. The mobile device is simply connected to the AmaTron 4 as a hotspot. AmaTron Connect enables use of the AmaTron Twin App.

AmaTron Twin App - Clear display enhancement

The AmaTron Twin App offers the driver even more comfort in work, as GPS functions in the map view can also be operated via a mobile device (e.g. a tablet) in parallel with machine operation in AmaTron 4.

Advantages of the AmaTron Twin display enhancement:

  • Use of an existing mobile device
  • Greater clarity – all applications in sight
  • Comfortable control of GPS functions in the map view in parallel via the mobile device
  • Clear, authentic representation of the working machine and its part-width sections

Map view with AmaTron Twin – Clear display of the machine and its part-width sections, as well as buttons on the right-hand side of the tablet display