Judgement in practice
Testimonial EDX 6000-TC
Agricultural contractor Jörg Dreeßen is very satisfied with his EDX. With field sizes characterised by awkward and wedge shapes and an average size of just 5 ha the EDX 6000-TC behind a 200 hp tractor manages up to 4 ha per hour. “The output increase is one thing and the other is less tractor and manpower costs. Because we manage more acreage due to the higher speeds this machine is an enormous improvement.”
Additional points which contribute to the output increase the agricultural contractor mentions: "You only have one seed box to fill. Loading fertilizer has also become easier. The calibration of the fertiliser rate is quicker and above all more accurate. The monitoring of the placement accuracy and the stripper adjustment can be done now via the monitor keys.”
Osterhuber Agrar GmbH, Wilhelmsburg, Germany
At Osterhuber Agrar GmbH during the maize campaign 2010, which only lasted 10 days, the two EDX 9000-TC each managed 1,100 ha. That was – in two shifts – daily more than 100 ha per machine. The peak outputs per hour were approx. 6.7 ha. Ulf Warse, Head of Crop Production, says: "That’s what we did in previous years with 5 machines, each with a 9 m working width and we did it this year with 2.5 machines. And we have not been slower. At the same time we completely saved one man and the work of the agricultural contractors who assisted us in the previous years. These savings are really huge!”
Agricultural contractor Gebr. Groß, Löningen/Germany
The agricultural contractor Gebr. Groß used two EDX 9000-TCs in 2010. Although the fields in the Oldenburg Münsterland region are relatively small, work rates including setting up the machines, such as changing varieties and refilling amounted to 5 ha/hour meaning daily outputs of between 50 and 80 ha/machine. With approximately 1,000 ha in the season per machine it was more than double that previously achieved using conventional seeding technology. “We manage twice as much, however we only need one machine, one tractor and one driver,” says Willfried Förster from the agricultural contractor Gebr. Groß.
"Scea du Trounquet” family farm, south-west France
“The EDX 9000-TC behind a 200 hp tractor enabled us to double the acreage outputs up to 9 ha per hour,” Mr. Leroux reported. After two years of operation, for him the EDX is clear proof that it is no longer necessary to drive slowly to achieve a precise seed placement. Double the work rate, a decrease in unproductive periods – with this result Mr. Leroux is very satisfied.
«Partner» GmbH Company – Kozhanov Sergey Anatoljewitch, Russia
Specialising in arable farming and animal production, the business farms an area of about 21,000 ha, split into 50 % wheat and 25 % sunflowers, maize, peas and the rest silage ground. On the farm will operate two EDX 9000-TC precision single seeders. “Through well organised working routines, the seeders are capable of up to 200 ha per day, which means per season over 3,000 ha of sunflowers. One of the biggest advantages over other maize drills is the vastly shorter fill times. With conventional precision seeders this takes forever, whereas with the EDX there are just three fill points at each stop. Everything is so very simple. Even with these high output rates, the quality of work remains good. The most important plus point with the EDX is the uniform emergence. That naturally improves the yield.“
Sajzew Company, Anatolij Sajzew, Russia
Up to now, the Sajzew company is growing wheat, maize and peas. And since 2011 there has been an EDX 9000 TC on the farm, “Per day we are covering about 250 ha, however, much depends on the driver. The set-up is very easy, in spite of the fact that we missed attending the service school“. According to Anatolij, the advantages of the EDX include the sowing quality, the seed placement and the low number of filling operations. "I’m very satisfied with the seed drill and will recommend it to others. There were no problems," says Anatolij.