Master your mulch sowing and after the plough with the Cataya from AMAZONE

Many farms are aware of the challenge: everything is ready, catch crops have been ploughed in, liquid manure has been applied and the seedbed prepared. But then no rain - or far too much rain. Drought and wet conditions as a result of extreme weather are increasingly a decisive factor in the success or failure of crops.

AMAZONE combats this growing dependence on the weather with the Cataya harrow-mounted seed drill. In combination with the active soil tillage options of rotary harrow or rotary cultivator and roller system for strip-wise reconsolidation, the machine forms a robust, conventional drill combination for sowing after the plough as well as when mulch sowing. Reconsoliding the seedbed in strips enhances germination in dry and wet conditions by either connecting the seed to the ground water or by improving water infiltration including gaseous exchange. The choice of the RoTeC single disc coulter or the TwinTeC double disc coulter, means that sowing is possible in all weathers. This is the AMAZONE sowing insurance policy.

The Cataya is part of the high-quality range of AMAZONE seed drills - without compromise on precision and output. And that pays off: in the 2017 DLG test, Cataya was rated "very good" several times over.

The weather can do what it wants, but the Cataya from AMAZONE is ready for anything.

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