What does the future hold for Intelligent Crop Production?

The answer to this question is currently the key driver for many innovations. The need for precision and automation in agricultural machinery will continue to increase in the future, in order to ensure optimum crop development with reliable yields and good quality, whilst reducing the use of pesticides and fertilisers. 

This means: Maintaining yields, saving costs and conserving the environment at the same time. We have therefore set ourselves three important targets for us and our customers, which are naturally interlinked:

  • Digitalisation of processes
  • Reduction in resources consumed
  • More flexible techniques 

GO for Innovation

With all these innovations, it is our goal to continue to serve as the global specialist in “Intelligent Crop Production” and to be the first port of call for farmers, contractors and machinery rings. That is why we are continuously working on the development of our technology, all the way through to international system chains for farm businesses of all sizes and all climate zones.