
» SmartControl

The SmartControl stripper finger adjustment automatically re-adjusts the stripper finger position as required, meaning that it is tailored to the seed at all times and misses or doubles are avoided.

» ElectricDrive for part-area, site-specific work

The electric drive of the seed singling system provides a high level of precision. The application rate of the seed and fertiliser can therefore be automatically tailored to the conditions using application maps. Convenient calibration at the touch of a button is also possible.

» PreTeC coulter system

The combination of double disc coulter and furrow former ensures precise seed placement in a perfectly cleared and pre-consolidated seed furrow. The catcher roller presses the grain into the seed row for optimum placement with excellent soil contact, before the closed seed row is completely reconsolidated by the pressing rollers.

» Precis fertiliser metering

Micro micro-granular applicator with electric metering drive

The Precis metering system provides the Precea with precise and effective fertiliser metering. The electric drive enables very easy adjustment and calibration. A stream of air conveys the fertiliser to the FerTeC Twin fertiliser coulter.

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Singling – precise and quick

The positive pressure singling system ensures precise singling of various seed types at speeds up to 15 km/h.

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Precea 3000

At Agritechnica, AMAZONE will be showing the new Precea precision air seeder. The rigid Precea 3000 and the telescopic Precea 4500-2 will be introduced in the first release. An additional highlight of the AMAZONE offering is the Precea 3000-A harrow-mounted, precision air seeder with QuickLink interface. At the heart of the Precea is the new singling method that combines the positive characteristics of the ED and the EDX.

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Precea 4500-2C Super

At Agritechnica, AMAZONE will be showing the new Precea precision air seeder. The rigid Precea 3000 and the telescopic Precea 4500-2 will be introduced in the first release. An additional highlight of the AMAZONE offering is the Precea 3000-A harrow-mounted, precision air seeder with QuickLink interface. At the heart of the Precea is the new singling method that combines the positive characteristics of the ED and the EDX. This results in very accurate singling, even at...

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