» Xpress sowing unit

» Xpress sowing unit

Every Xpress sowing unit is built up of several elements. First a V-shaped angled double disc sowing coulter cuts the soil surface and pushes any crop residues to one side. This is followed by the furrow former which shapes the furrow and firms it along the bottom. Behind the furrow former the seed is shot into the furrow, caught by the catcher roller and pressed in. Subsequently the multi-adjustable Super-V press wheels cover the seed furrow with soil and press above the covered furrow.

1. Super-V press wheels
2. Catcher roller
3. Scraper for carrying roller/sowing coulter (optional)
4. Furrow former
5. Carrying rollers
6. Double disc sowing coulter
7. Depth control chain for fertiliser coulter
8. Hard-faced fertiliser openers
9. Fertiliser coulter