Dec 2, 2019, Hasbergen-Gaste

Amazone beim DLG-Imagebarometer 2019 erneut sehr gut platziert

Quelle: DLG 12/2019

Bei der jüngst veröffentlichten Imagebewertung von Unternehmen aus der Agrarwirtschaft, dem DLG-Imagebarometer 2019, hat Amazone wieder hervorragend abgeschnitten. Mit 51 Punkten steht das Unternehmen auf dem 4. Platz in der Sparte Landtechnik und geht damit als Bester unter den mittelständischen Geräteherstellern aus den Bewertungen hervor.

Die Amazone-Geschäftsführer Christian Dreyer und Dr. Justus Dreyer bewerten das Ergebnis nicht nur als Erfolg sondern auch als Ansporn: "Wir freuen uns sehr, aber wir werden uns nicht darauf ausruhen. Als Devise für die Zukunft gilt es, unsere Produkte, den Service und die Beratung kontinuierlich weiter zu verbessern. Dafür werden wir die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden intensiv pflegen, um konsequent und frühzeitig auf ihre Wünsche und Anforderungen eingehen zu können."

Über das DLG-Imagebarometer

Mit dem regelmäßig ermittelten Imagebarometer hat die Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) auch in diesem Jahr untersucht, welches Image und welchen Bekanntheitsgrad die wichtigsten Marken aus dem Umfeld der Landwirtschaft in Deutschland haben. Dafür wurden bei mehr als 700 Landwirten telefonische Befragungen durchgeführt. Der daraus errechnete Markenindex umfasst die vier Teilbereiche Markenwissen, Markenloyalität, Markenperformance und Markenimage.

Press review 2019

Nov 28, 2019, Hasbergen-Gaste

Cenio – the new lightweight and versatile mounted cultivator

With the Cenio, Amazone launched a new 3-row compact mounted cultivator at this year’s Agritechnica 2019. Designed as a lightweight but extremely flexible mulch cultivator, the Cenio rounds off the bottom end of the Amazone cultivator range of 3-point linkage mounted cultivators as the "little brother" of the Cenius.

Nov 20, 2019, Hasbergen-Gaste

250,000 Amazone seed drills sold

Having sold 250,000 seed drills, Amazone certainly has special cause for cele-bration. Not only is the quarter of a million sales that have been notched up an impressive feat; but we can look back on a long history of successful seed drill developments.The origin of the seed drill’s history stretches back to 1947, when Dipl. Eng. Heinrich Dreyer worked together with Mr Kademann to develop the first D1 seed drill that had a working width of 2 m and which was equipped with...

Oct 24, 2019

Three Agritechnica silver medals for Amazone

The first successes for Amazone on the run-up to Agritechnica 2019. The neutral panels of experts appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Association) has awarded silver medals to three of Amazone’s innovations.

Oct 5, 2019

Amazone RoTeC coulters – in use more than 1.5 million over

An Amazone innovation enjoys a very special anniversary with 1.5 million RoTeC single disc coulters now in use. And, at the standard row spacings of between 12.5 cm and 16.6 cm, this would correspond to a total working width of over 200 kilometres! The RoTeC coulter shows its strengths particularly under difficult mulch sowing conditions – when, for example, dealing with large quantities of crop residues and on damp, heavy and sticky soils.
Further notable advantages:...

Mar 26, 2019

Cirrus with Minimum TillDisc

Cirrus with Minimum TillDisc The new set-up for changing arable farming concepts. With the Minimum TillDisc corrugated disc segment, the Cirrus gets a new special option in place of the cultivation discs.

Mar 18, 2019

Amazone gets iF Design Award 2019 for AmaTron 4

A further design success for Amazone: the Amazone AmaTron 4 ISOBUS terminal has been awarded the coveted iF Design Award 2019. The intuitive handling and the unique, tablet style design of the terminal were picked out as being of an exemplary design in the industry.

The jury tested, in part, the new interface for itself and, included in its evaluation, the impression gained of the high degree of ergonomics. The terminal is a complete in-house development from Amazone.

Mar 9, 2019

New UF 1602 mounted sprayer

New UF 1602 mounted sprayer
AMAZONE now broadens its range of UF 02 mounted sprayers with the new, ISOBUS compatible, UF 1602 with a nominal volume of 1,600 l and an actual volume of 1,700 l. The UF 1602 can be equipped with all Super-S2 booms from 15 m to 30 m.
The UF 1602 features a specifically shaped, polyurethane tank with a favourable centre of gravity. The very smooth tank walls allow the effective interior and exterior cleaning of the tank.

The operation of...

Feb 12, 2019

Front mounted frame with Crushboard or tractor wheel mark eradicators for Catros Special or CatrosXL

Front mounted frame with Crushboard or tractor wheel mark eradicators for Catros Special or CatrosXL

For the Catros Special and CatrosXL compact disc harrows in working widths of 3 m, 3.50 m and 4.00 m, AMAZONE now optionally offers a front mounted frame with Crushboard. This option makes these compact disc harrows ideally suited to seedbed preparation as the Crushboard achieves a strong crumbling and levelling effect. However, also during stubble cultivation, this...

Feb 6, 2019

SIMA 2019 - the agrirouter is online

Manufacturer-independent data exchange is reality
Osnabrück / Paris, 06 February 2019
The web-based data exchange platform "agrirouter" enables data exchange between machines, agricultural software products from different manufacturers and suppliers. For farmers and contractors with mixed machinery this has not been possible so far.
The developers of the agrirouter, the German DKE-Data GmbH & Co KG based in Osna-brück, Lower Saxony, announced the official launch...