ZA-V Tronic / ZA-V Profis Tronic: The mechanically-driven ISOBUS spreader
The mechanically-driven ZA-V Tronic spreader features, as standard, ISOBUS and an 8-fold part-width section control via application rate adjustment. Due to the spreading unit of the ZA-V with its quantity effect-free aperture and consistent, triangular shaped spread patterns, very good results can be achieved when spreading in short work and in wedge shaped fields. Via the quantity effect free outlet aperture of the ZA-V spreader, the lateral distribution of the fertiliser is always maintained even with varying application rates. In its Profis Tronic format, the spreader features forward speed related application rate regulation and a state-of-the-art 200 Hz weighing system via two weigh cells. As an option, a tilt sensor is also available for the ZA-V Profis Tronic resulting always in a precise weight monitoring, even in undulating terrain. For the comfortable side, border and water course spreading, the Limiter V+ can be operated through any ISOBUS terminal.