The front disc section
The front discs distribute the organic matter by intensively cutting and mixing the crop residues on the soil surface. At the same time, a finely crumbled structure occurs within that top soil layer. This results in both optimum preconditions for straw decomposition as well as producing very good germination and growing conditions. The discs are individually suspended and protected from damage via sprung rubber mountings that also ensure good ground contour adaptation. The maintenance-free, oil-immersed bearings on the discs are identical with those found on the Catros compact disc harrows and have been proven many tens of thousand times over. The disc stagger of 12.5 cm and the steep 17° angle of attack on the front row of discs and 14° at the rear row ensure an overall tilling effect and a perfect mixing-in of organic matter. Adjustment of the depth of the disc section is carried out via a parallelogram linkage, whereby the penetration intensity can be changed by twisting the disc section. Also, even at the maximum working depth of the tine section, by setting the disc section in the upper most position they can be raised out of work completely. So, deep loosening is also possible without utilising the disc section, reducing the pulling power and saving fuel.