Task Controller (job management)

Task Controller allows the data recording on the machine and the data exchange between the machine and a farm management system. For this the standardised ISO-XML data format is utilised. Depending on the level of sophisication possible - download or the creation of jobs, - processing of jobs, - documentation of the work done, - exporting the data for the further processing with the aid of a USB stick. TC-BAS – Task Controller basic Describes the documentation of summarised values which make a sensible overview of the work completed. The implement makes available the values. The data exchange between field job file and Task Controller is carried out via an ISO-XML data format. Thus, jobs can be conveniently imported into the Task Controller and/or the finished documentation can be exported again. TC-GEO – Task Controller geo-based The additional possibility also exists to collect site related data – or to plan site specific related jobs, for example via application maps.