Profihopper 1250 iDrive SmartLine

Profihopper iDrive SmartLine with front wheel drive and 0-turning circle steering

For the operation under normal ground conditions, the Profihopper iDrive SmartLine is recommended. The front wheel drive is provided out via two hydraulic motors. The only difference between the Profihopper iDrive SmartLine and the Profihopper 4WDi SmartLine is the drive system. The Profihopper iDrive SmartLine is also equipped with the high-performance SmartCut cutting deck and is characterised by its compact design, efficiency and quality of work. The intuitive steering via a steering wheel with the 0-radius turn is also standard on the Profihopper iDrive SmartLine.

  • 1.25 m working width
  • Hopper capacity 730 l (equals 1,000 l of cuttings)
  • Front wheel drive with 0-turning circle steering
  • Hydrostatic drive with mechanical actuation