KR 9002 and KR 12002 trailed carrier systems for combining three Catros

A strong combination

A total working width of 9 m or 12 m can be achieved with the use of three compact disc harrows in the AMAZONE KR trailed carrier system.

The trailed carrier system that links the individual machines to form a single, high-powered system can also be used with the ED precision air seeders or the D9 seed drills.

The three lifting frames are hydraulically raised when turning on the headland and for road transport.

For comfortable road use, the trailed carrier system has an optional tilting device which enables the outer segments to be additionally raised laterally, in order to obtain a narrower transport width.

This technology is designed for use by coordinated large-scale operations.*

  • Catros in the KR 9002 trailed carrier system, 9.0 m working width
  • Catros in the KR 12002 trailed carrier system, 12.0 m working width

*not available in the EU