UX SmartSprayer
Efficient - Precise - Sustainable
- Efficient plant protection
- Up to 80% less herbicide needed
- Maximum effectiveness on target surfaces
- Precise technology
- Targeted application with ContourControl and SwingStop
- Precise spot application, thanks to 25 cm nozzle spacing
- Agronomic management
- Plant protection advice with an online expert system
- Continuous optimisation and documentation
- Concrete environmental benefits
- Minimal application of plant protection agent
- Promotion of biodiversity
The market launch of the SmartSprayer is supported by the EU. The LIFE SmartSprayer project is being conducted in collaboration with our partners, BASF, Bosch, Xarvio and the University of Hohenheim. Further information is available here.
The SmartSprayers are being used in Germany, France, Hungary and Romania in 2022. Reports from practice and trial results will be published here. If you are interested in seeing the machine live in the field, please feel free to contact us via the form on this page.