Successful product communication surrounding Agritechnica
A series of events in the run-up to Agritechnica helped to publicise our 24 innovations both internally and externally. We started by presenting the new products from across our product lines to our own AMAZONE product specialists from Germany and overseas on three consecutive days as part of our "Train the Trainer" programme.
If you didn't have the opportunity to visit us in Hanover, you can view a digital representation of our stand online:
Shortly afterwards, we invited 127 national and international agricultural journalists to a press conference. After an event for mutual exchange the evening before, the trade press was able to see our new products exclusively in person the following day, which were of course introduced in various languages. The evening events took place at our Wambergen experimental farm near our main factory at Hasbergen-Gaste. Our museum and trials site are also located there. The machine presentations then took place at our factory in Bramsche, which was followed by our "sales partner days" over another 3 days. Approximately 540 guests were divided into 3 groups and were also presented with our new products after a pre-evening event.
All in all, the events were a complete success. The intermittent rain resulted in the cancellation of one or two machine demonstrations in the field, but it did not disrupt the professional way in which the event was run. The consistently positive feedback from our sales partners and the large number of interesting articles that followed in the trade press confirm the success of the individual events.