“Dreyer’s Batate" potato sorter
Potato sorting machines have also played an important role in history of AMAZONEN-WERKE. It all started in 1910, when the founder Heinrich Dreyer developed the first sorter. It was a flat sieve sorter mounted on springs, so it was very easy to operate. He therefore called it “Federkraft” [Spring Power] and was extraordinarily successful with it, with the result that the sorters even made up the largest share of the total sales at AMAZONE at times.
In the heyday of the sorters, Heinrich Dreyer brought out a drum sorter in the 1930s to round off the product range. This was a principle which the market leader in Germany had developed before the "Federkraft" and was very popular with many potato growers. He called this sorter "Batate" (Latin for potato) and built several versions of it. However, the flat sieve sorters became increasingly popular over time and AMAZONE stopped production of the "Batate".
Instead, the flat sieve sorters, including giant sorting and picking machines with auxiliary engines and a roof, were produced at AMAZONE in various sizes and in enormous quantities.