With the aid of special software, AMAZONE offers the possibility of a widened communication spectrum. This can be used worldwide across a range of different terminals such as, for example, Android or iOS screens. In this way, for example, the technician from the AMAZONE service partner who has to carry out a complicated repair can be connected with a service specialist in the office via tablet, Smartphone or digital AR data headset in real-time. Via the camera in the terminal of the service technician, the service specialist can now see the physical repair field of the service technician and give the relevant instructions. If necessary, also the service technician can see what the service specialist sees on his screen enabling him to derive a solution. In this way, video, audio, pictures and text files (e.g. pictures with remarks, sections of a hydraulic diagram) can be exchanged.  

For the end user, the system also offers the same technical possibilities to clarify with the service advisor questions in the sector of application technology.

AMAZONE SmartService 4.0

The use of virtual and augmented reality and digital media for service, training and maintenance work.
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The interactive driver training with which, for example, the installation of a Profihopper or a Pantera can be learnt both online and offline via a PC or Tablet.