The choice is yours – the UF 901 mounted sprayer or the UF 1201 mounted sprayer

AMAZONE field sprayers fulfil the demands of the crop protection regulations, the guide lines of the Julius Kühn Institute and the highest European test standards (ENTAM certification).

On request AMAZONE field sprayers are provided with an official certificate of inspection for crop protection sprayers.

"Those people who like to look into the tank from above can do this without any danger thanks to the standard ladder with platform and handles."
(dlz agrar magazine" – Field test UF 1201 "Super also in small widths" · 05/2016)

“Those using the machines rated the build quality and the paint finish of the machines as very good. The highest rating was also given for service life, the ease of mounting and dismounting from the tractor as well as the manoeuvrability and compactness. Furthermore, the boom width and the unproblematic suspension were also praised.”
(Quote from: BBA recognition 2006)

“The UF 1201 with the Super-S1 boom is an uncomplicated sprayer designed in particular for medium-sized farms and which is easy to operate thanks to ProfiClick and the AmaSpray+ in-cab terminal.”
(dlz agrar magazine" – Field test UF 1201 "Super also in small widths" · 05/2016)