Rigid, linkage-mounted Precea: 4 to 6 rows – 3 m wide frame

Precea-A – precision sowing and seedbed preparation in just one pass! 
The Precea-A harrow-mounted precision seeder can be optionally combined with a rotary cultivator / rotary harrow or the CombiDisc compact disc harrow. Due to its combination with a soil tillage implement, this sowing combination provides perfect seedbed preparation and seeding in one pass.


  • Precea 3000-ACC Super
    Number of rows: 4, 5, 6 | Row spacings: 50 to 75 cm
  • Precea 3000-ACC Super
    Number of rows: 4, 5, 6 | Row spacings: 50 to 75 cm

Precea 3000-AFCC with KG rotary cultivator